retreat program template

As a speaker, here are some sample schedules that I’ve seen work well for weekend retreats. When you feel like you have found the dream retreat center in a location that will inspire your students, you’ve thought about the pricing of your retreat and you’re confident in your ability to fill spaces, the last puzzle piece is creating the best retreat program.. We suggest inviting them for coffee! It’s your retreat—make sure it serves your needs. Sample Retreat Invitation. )* 8:30 – 9:00 Breakfast 9:00 – 10:30 Welcome and … DESIGNING THE RESERVATION PROCESS As a retreat planner, reservations need to be booked, events/activities planned, de- Present the retreat! Ways to grow your tribe so you’ll have eager, ready-to-buy clients who you can promote your retreat to. Planning a retreat means managing lots of details from logistics to decorations. The Ultimate Guide for Retreat Planners: Planning A Retreat. Part II: Build an Agenda [Free Template!] If you’re new to retreat leading then figuring out how to create the best retreat program can be a little overwhelming. Used with permission from LifeWay Christian Resources. Write down the names of 5-10 women that you can approach for help, and then reach out to them. Our proven template for creating a retreat sales page to sell your retreat and to protect yourself (including what NOT to include if you want your retreat to fill). Please feel free to adapt to your style and audience, as you weave in your own personal touches to the invitation. Confirm reservation at retreat site. Often the schedule gets overlooked or slapped together at the last minute. How to create scintillating sales copy that inspires & sells! A Marriage Retreat Sample Taken from Models for Marriage Enrichment in the Church, compiled by Reuben Herring, Jimmy Hester, Ken Jordan, published by The Family Ministry Department of the Sunday School Board of the Southern Baptist Convention. OPTION 2: Strategic Planning Session (Includes key program stakeholders – staff, students, community partners, etc. Make a checklist of who should bring what to the retreat. I recommend that you delegate logistics, but don’t delegate goal selection. Hold a final committee meeting to discuss responsibilities for the retreat. You can lead the entire retreat yourself, but it’s more fun if you have even one more person doing it with you! Sample Retreat Agenda Hosted by Active Citizen University September 5 - 6, 2015 ! June 15, 2015 By Krisan Marotta. This is a sample invitation to be mailed or e-mailed to the women of your parish. That’s why I’ve designed two short templates so you can conduct your own at-home mini meditation retreat. Oftentimes, the retreat location will have templates or helpful information on how to plan, reserve and promote your retreat. If the form is presented before the program has started, this means that the goal of the organization is to collect the expectations and thoughts of the participants with regards to the retreat. This activity based strategic retreat is designed to provide a completely different experience, unlike anything the participants have been exposed to at other retreats. Distribute thank-you notes to appropriate people, including retreat facilitators and presenters and others who deserve recognition for a job well done. I love attending meditation retreats, but can’t always find the time to do so—and when I can find the time, the retreat schedule often doesn’t line up with my own. 3 Women’s Retreat Sample Schedules.

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