loot tables 5e

If it has nowhere it can move, the creature can use the dodge action. V.Ultraplegia Sac If you already have darkvision, your sight range increases by 60 feet. Kulu-Ya-Ku Beak Once used, the snare effect can't be used again until the next dawn. In this book you will find loot tables for every creature in the Monster Hunter Monster Manual that can be used with the ruleset found within Amellwind's Guide to Monster Hunting. While wearing this armor you have immunity to poison damage and the poisoned condition. When fighting a Huge or larger creature, this weapon deals 1d6 extra weapon damage and its crit range is increased by 1. Teostra Mane Behemoth Great Horn (Insect Glaive) You have an emblem of a burning brazier on your armor. You may expend a rune to cast the lightning arrow spell from it. Once you use this property, you can't use this property again until you finish a long rest. Gaoren Pincer (Lance & Greatsword only) This bonus increases to +3 when the spell you are casting deals fire damage. Wellness. This property can be used twice, regaining all expended uses daily at dawn. Rathalos Ruby Also when you cast a spell that deals fire damage, it deals extra damage equal to 2 times the spells level as fire damage. When you critically hit with a weapon or spell that deals cold, fire, lightning, necrotic, or thunder damage, you deal an extra 1d6 damage of that type. If the creature has no limb to sever, you lop off a portion of its body instead. Constitution. Kirin Favor. You have advantage on initiative rolls while you wear this armor. A creature may use its action to put out the flames early. T.Crystal Shard d12 Treasure Description; 1. You can use this property twice, regaining all uses when you finish a long rest. This weapon has 3 runes that it regains daily at dawn. While you are attuned to this armor, you can use an action to speak its command word to cast the polymorph spell from it and turn into a giant constrictor snake (MM p.324) that resembles the dalamadur. Ceadeus Hide You can use this property three times. Nargacuga Razor While you are holding this weapon, you can use an action to have your weapon produce 1/2 an ounce of basic poison (PHB 153) that drips from the end of the weapon. Arrows coated with the close range coating, deal an extra 1 piercing damage and it now ignores any disadvantages when attacking creatures you can see that are within 20 feet of you. Savage Scalp Coral Pukei-Pukei Cortex Indestructible Ebonshell Shara Divinity. Flinch Free. Item found in (AGtMH p.73). Xeno'jiiva Divinity. Your weapon deals max damage to a creature that is vulnerable to this weapons damage type. any creature within 5 feet of you takes 5 points of fire damage. This weapon has 7 runes. Namielle Finehide Tetsucabra Claw Each creature of your choice in a 30-foot radius extending from you must succeed on a DC 19 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened of you for 1 minute. Great Wroggi Piel While you wear this armor, if an effect moves you against your will along the ground, you can use your reaction to reduce the distance you are moved by up to 10 feet. Kecha Tail Health Boost+. While you wear this armor, you taste in all directions, and you have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on taste. Machalite Ore While you are attuned to this armor, you can use a bonus action to speak its command word and exhale fire at a target within 30 feet of you. You can only expend one rune per round. This weapon has 3 runes. When an ally, that you can see, is reduced to 0 hit points you can use your reaction to gain +1 AC, +1 damage, and +1 to attack rolls for 1 minute. Speed Eating. Pulsing Dragonshell While wearing this armor you know the shocking grasp cantrip. Lavasioth Gem (Spellcaster only) Sows destructive impulses. Valstrax Shard Velocidrome Claw When a creature hits you with a melee attack, you can use a reaction to cause one of these scales to explode dealing 3d4 fire damage to the attacker. A creature that is intimidated by you, will do what it takes to appease you or get rid of you. You reduce cold damage you take by 2 while you wear this armor. Scorching Silverwing As an action, you can try to cast a cantrip that you don't know from the warlock spell list. Zionium Crystal When this material is placed in a weapon that does not deal cold, fire, lightning, necrotic, or thunder damage, it rolls two extra damage die when it hits. Weakness Exploit. Kulu-Ya-Ku Scale Wide-Range. ARMOR MATERIAL EFFECTS Stamina Surge+3. Choose one creature that you can see within 60 feet of you. On a failed save, the creature becomes frightened of you for 1 minute. On a failed save, the target becomes charmed by you until the end of its next turn. Your weapon deals an extra 1d10 force damage. You regain the maximum number of hit points possible from potions or plants that you consume. Odogaron Claw At dawn of the second day and each day after, the target must make a Constitution saving throw, gaining one level of exhaustion on a failed save. Relevant treasure is not always fun, but it does not mean you should avoid it. If you are already preparing this kind of work ahead of time, you might want to make some custom treasure tables and templates for chests or storage boxes as well. Quick Sheath. You ignore difficult terrain created by ice or snow while you wear this armor. When you disappear, you leave behind a cloud of smoke, and you appear in a similar cloud of smoke at your destination. Once you use this property, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest. Flame Sac Glavenus Carapace Cursed Bone Vile Frenzy Crystal S.Magala Hardhorn You reduce fire damage you take by 3 while you wear this armor. Paddock Oil Rathalos Marrow The spell cast from the weapon is no longer stored in it, freeing up space. Your attacks with this weapon bypass the damage resistances of any creature. Whenever you make a saving throw against waterblight condition, you do so with a +1 bonus. Evade Window. On a successful save, the creature takes half of that damage. Immortal Reactor The target and all creatures other than yourself within 5 feet of the target must make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw, taking 4d6 fire damage on a failed save or half as much on a successful one. ending the poison on a successful save. ARMOR MATERIAL EFFECTS On a 10+, The trinket reveals a secret about them. Lg Monster Bone Legiana Tail Webbing Your bludgeoning weapon deals an extra 2 bludgeoning damage. This weapon recharges 1d6 seconds of energy to the weapon's reservoir daily at dawn. Agnaktor Shell Lao-Shan Shell While wearing this armor you are immune to blight spells, spell like abilities, and conditions. Your weapon deals an extra 1d4 slashing damage. While you are attuned to this weapon, you can speak its command word and swing it in a horizonal fashion to release a sonic wave in a 30-foot cone. You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest. Uragaan Scute Zinogre Plate Doing so gives you advantage on melee weapon attack rolls using Strength during this turn, but disadvantage on all saving throws and all attack rolls against you have advantage until the start of your next turn. Blue Kut-Ku Scale At the start of each of the engulfed creature’s turns, it takes 1d6 fire damage and it can then make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, putting out the flames on a successful save. Rapid Fire. Baggi Scale Silverwind X. Decayed Crimson Horn You can make a DC 10 Wisdom (Poisoner's Kit) check using this material as its ingredient plus a vial. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its runes to cast one of the following spells from it, using your spell save DC: Cone of Cold (5 runes), Fog Cloud (1 runes), Ice Storm (4 runes), or Wall of Ice (4 runes). Marathon Runner. Dungeons & Dragons 5e Tables. If you expend the weapon's last rune, roll a d20. Rejuvenated Beak Whenever you make a saving throw against the poisoned condition, you do so with a +2 bonus. OTHER MATERIAL EFFECTS This weapon regains 1d4 + 1 expended runes daily at dawn. When your sworn enemy dies, you can choose a new one after the next dawn. The duration from slowing effects, such as the slow spell or a copper dragon's breath attack, are reduced by half while you wear this armor. Kirin Hide Guts+2. Savage Scale Pack Rat. White Liver Miralis Evil Eye While in flight it sheds bright light in a 5-foot radius and dim light for an additional 15 feet. Whenever you make a saving throw against the poisoned condition, you do so with advantage. While wearing this armor you have resistances to lightning damage. When applied to a creature, there is a 10% chance to attract nearby seltas while in urban areas. Chain Crit. On a failed save, it takes 1d8 fire damage. Vaal Hazak Hardclaw Royal Pyroxene ARMOR MATERIAL EFFECTS When you roll for initiative, your greatsword, longsword, charge blade, or tonfas gains 1 charge, spirit, or phial charge. Duram Tailcase (Hammer only) Rajang Hardhorn A creature hit by this weapon cannot use an action that has a recharge until the start of your next turn. When you are outdoors, harmless creatures such as squirrels and birds flock to you when you sing songs for a minute or longer. ARMOR MATERIAL EFFECTS The grimalkyne has 3d6 copper pieces on them. Bubbly+. ARMOR MATERIAL EFFECTS This weapon regains 1d4 expended runes daily at dawn. WEAPON MATERIAL EFFECTS Deceased Scale Stout Bone You can use an action to speak this armor's command word, causing it to emit soothing music and cast the calm emotions spell (save DC 14) centered on you. Azure Dragonsphire Your weapon deals an extra 1d4 poison damage. Creatures that can see you have disadvantage on attack rolls against you. Brute Tigrex Cortex This weapon regains 1d6 + 4 expended runes daily at dawn. The creature can repeat its saving throw at the end of its turns, ending the effect on a success. You have resistance to cold damage while you wear this armor. A creature's scale. You have resistance to lightning and thunder damage while you wear this armor. Girros Scale Once you use this property, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest. Gaoren Spine Golden Shell You have advantage on Insight checks while you wear this armor. Tigrex Tail While you are attuned to this weapon, you can use a bonus action to summon a murder of crows to your aid for 1 minute. Whenever you make a saving throw against the paralyzed condition, you do so with a +2 bonus. Rathian Ruby WEAPON MATERIAL EFFECTS When inserted into a trinket you begin to hear hushed voices coming from it. You reduce necrotic damage you take by 2 while you wear this armor. Najarala Fang Akantor Gem H.Sleep Sac The target must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw, taking 2d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. While attuned to this weapon you know the ice knife spell. Sturdy Fang While you wear this armor you are immune to the iceblight disease. Each creature within a 10-foot radius of you that can see you, must use their reaction to shield their eyes or be blinded until the end of their next turn. When you finish a short or long rest you choose a damage type. Giadrome Hide Cryo Sac While you are attuned to this armor, you can use any consumable, such as a potion or food, as a bonus action; so long as you are the one consuming it. Shara Ishvalda Tenderclaw Your weapon deals an extra 1d6 cold damage. Latent Power +2. A crafting material used to make sonic bombs. Gobul Paralysis Sac Until the end of your next turn you have advantage on Dexterity and Strength saving throws and skill checks. Barroth Gem While holding this weapon, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its runes to cast one of the following spells from it, using your spell save DC: dragon's breath (cold) (1 rune), fog cloud (1 rune), gust of wind (2 runes), wind wall (3 runes) or, sleet storm (3 rune). You have immunity to cold damage while you wear this armor. Ceadeus Scale Mizutsune Claw The dead adventurer is just one way to do this. Quick Sheath. Daora Claw While wearing this armor, you can use an action to cast the haste spell from it once per day, but can target only yourself when you do so and you gain 1 level of exhaustion when the spell ends. The creature can still roll to recharge its ability at the end of its turn. If it has a Strength requirement to use, it is reduced by 1. WEAPON MATERIAL EFFECTS Once you use this property, you can't use it again until the next dawn. Rajang Claw Nibelsnarf Claw (Ranged weapon only) The weapon regains 1d6 + 4 expended runes daily at dawn. Once per turn when you hit a creature with this weapon you can expend a rune to have the target make a DC 21 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened of you for 1 minute. Once you have used this effect, it can't be used again until the next dawn. While wearing this armor, your walking speed increases by 10 feet and you ignore difficult terrain if it was not created by a magical effect. Kecha Longbone When you are reduced to a quarter of your maximum hit points for the first time in combat or at the start of your turn on the 10th round of combat, whichever comes first, you gain the effects of the haste spell for 1 minute. Your weapon deals max damage to a creature that is vulnerable to this weapons damage type. Wyvern Stone You can use this property a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier. ARMOR MATERIAL EFFECTS A creature hit for the first time by the Hammers Mighty Weapon, has disadvantage on the saving throw. As an action you can make this weapon shed bright light in a 15-foot radius and dim light in another 15 feet. Gogmazios Fortress Blightproof. Once you use this property, you cannot use it again until you finish a long rest. Alatreon Webbing (Ranged weapon only) Silverwind Tailspike Your weapon deals an extra 1d10 fire damage. Bulldrome Head OTHER MATERIAL EFFECTS ARMOR MATERIAL EFFECTS While wearing this armor, you have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight. You have resistance to lightning damage, while you wear this armor. Sharp Fang Critical Eye. Another way treasure can be bad is in quantity. If you are already proficient you double your proficiency bonus when using it. Critical Draw+. WEAPON MATERIAL EFFECTS Whenever you use a reaction that increases your AC, the next attack you make with that weapon deals extra damage equal to the bonus AC the reaction provided. After referencing the level and kind of treasure (coins, goods, items) found in the creature’s description, roll on the appropriate row and columns of the proper table. On a failed save, the creature is afflicted with iceblight for 1 minute. Constitution. Malfestio Webbing When you cast a spell that deals cold damage, you gain a +1 bonus to its spell attack roll. Botanist. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its runes to cast the lightning bolt spell (save DC 17) from it. A creature may repeat its saving throw at the end of its turn, ending the effect on a success. ARMOR MATERIAL EFFECTS While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 of its runes, and if a secret door or trap is within 30 feet of you, the weapon pulses and points at the one nearest to you. This armor has two runes that it regains daily at dawn. You can expend a rune to cast the misty step spell as a bonus action or the entangle spell as an action. ARMOR MATERIAL EFFECTS T.Miralis Hellwing Amatsu Pleura (Druid, Sorcerer, Warlock & Wizard only) Stamina Drain. While attuned to this armor, you no longer need to eat or drink. While you are attuned to this armor, you can use any consumable, such as a potion or food, as a bonus action; so long as you are the one consuming it. WEAPON MATERIAL EFFECTS Great Jaggi Head ARMOR MATERIAL EFFECTS WEAPON MATERIAL EFFECTS ARMOR MATERIAL EFFECTS You have a +1 bonus to Medicine checks while you wear this armor. When you hit a creature with this weapon, it must make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw. Radobaan Shell Critical Eye+. Ukanlos Shoveljaw Miralis Smelter The first time you make a Carve check on a creature, you do so with advantage. You can make a DC 10 Wisdom (Poisoner's Kit) check using this material as its ingredient plus two vials. treasure tables in chapter 7 of the Dungeon Master's Guide. Provides 2 days rations when cooked. Once used, you must finish a short or long rest before you can use this property again. Fatalis Shell Elderseal. When you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack using this weapon, you can engulf the target in flames. If you expend the weapon's last rune, roll a d20. Well Rested+. W.King's Crest (Bowgun only) While attuned to this weapon, your movement speed is doubled whenever you use your movement to close the distance between you and the last creature you hit. It's a Felyne's beloved treasure. You have a +2 bonus to Sleight of Hand checks while you wear this armor. Handicraft+2. You can reload as a free action while you are attuned to this weapon. While you wear this armor, you can succeed a Constitution saving throw you otherwise would have failed. Banbaro Great Horn Anjanath Tail (Bow only) Potion of healing ARMOR MATERIAL EFFECTS The creature can still roll to recharge its ability at the end of its turn. When you place the globe into your hand, you can use an action to cause it to vanish in a puff of smoke. Gravios Carapace Shocking Extract Paolumu Pelt This weapon has 10 runes. The Monster Hunter Loot tables are an addition to the ever growing supplement for playing a monster hunter styled d&d game. You gain a +1 bonus to your passive Perception while you wear this armor. Once you have used this effect, it can't be used again until the next dawn. For every hour that passes, a creature can attempt to escape by succeeding on a DC 15 Strength saving throw. While you are attuned to this armor, you can use a bonus action to conjure two earplugs in the shape of your choice. While you are attuned to this armor, lightning arcs across it, creating bright light in a 10-foot radius and dim light for an additional 5 feet. Monoblos Carapace When a ranged weapon attack hits you while wearing this armor, you can use your reaction to reduce the damage by 1d10 + your Dexterity modifier, provided that you have a free hand. When you are reduced to a half of your maximum hit points for the first time in combat or at the start of your turn on the 10th round of combat, whichever comes first, you gain the effects of the haste spell for 1 minute. However, the armor doesn't allow you to move this way on a slippery surface, such as one covered by ice or oil. You can increase the spell slot level by one for each additional rune you expend. Dalam Tail Scale Daora Horn You ignore difficult terrain created by ice or snow while you wear this armor. At the start of each of the wounded creature’s turns, it takes 1d4 necrotic damage for each time you’ve wounded it, and it can then make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw, ending the effect of all such wounds on itself on a success. While flying, you can take the dodge action as a bonus action while you hold this weapon. If it fails the save it becomes charmed by you for 1 minute or until you or your companions do anything harmful to it. A creature hit by this weapon cannot use an action that has a recharge until the start of your next turn. A creature that fails the saving throw can repeat it at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. Paolumu Cortex For 24 hours, you gain proficiency with two artisan tools of your choice each dawn. Rathalos Plate Iodrome Skull ARMOR MATERIAL EFFECTS Chameleos Webbing Blue Kut-Ku Carapace (spellcaster only) Whenever you make a saving throw against the paralyzed condition, you do so with advantage. While attuned to this armor, tranq bombs and tranq ammo roll an extra 2d8 when they hit a creature. While using these earplugs, you can only hear creatures you choose to be able to hear and you have advantage on saving throws against thunder damage. Remobra Hide When you draw this weapon, you can extinguish all nonmagical flames within 30 feet of you. While attuned to this armor, you can cast the protection from poison spell once a day, without expending a spell slot or having it prepared. That creature must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, or be covered in the snot for 1 minute or until it uses an action to wipe it away. Your weapon deals an extra 1d6 fire damage. When you hit a creature or object, you can expend a rune to cause the ground in a 20-foot radius around the target to become muddy for 1 minute. Whenever you carve a creature of CR 5 or higher, you can carve it two extra times. WEAPON MATERIAL EFFECTS A material that replaces dung for crafting dung bombs. This armor has two runes that it regains daily at dawn. While planted and undepleted, the ground in a 10-foot radius of this weapon becomes difficult terrain. You have a +1 bonus to your AC while you wear this armor. Garuga Shard Mohran Carapace Teostra Claw Seregios Airblade ARMOR MATERIAL EFFECTS Monster Fluid When you cast a spell that deals lightning damage, you gain a +1 bonus to its spell attack roll. Foul Venom Gland You know the fire bolt cantrip while attuned to this weapon. Heavenly Dragongem (Spellcaster only) Distilled Blast Fluid (Sorcerer & Wizard only) Barioth Cortex If you move more than 60 feet from the hovering globe, it follows you until it is within 60 feet of you. While attuned to this weapon your save DC for condition causing effects, such as the sleep spell, or a material effect, is increased by 1. Latent Power +2. T.Namielle Finehide This material can be cooked for 2 days of rations. Tetsucabra Scale A material that replaces the catalyst for crafting demondrug or armorskin potions. AT.Miralis Smelter At the end of each of its turns, a creature can repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on itself on a success. While you are wearing this armor, you can use your reaction or bonus action to gain resistance to fire damage until the end of your next turn. Golden Scale S.Dalamadur Gazer Once used, this property can't be used again until you finish a long rest. You have resistance to lightning and thunder damage while you wear this armor. This weapon has 4 runes. dmg Dungeon Master's Guide tce Tasha's Cauldron of Everything xge Xanathar's Guide to Everything Brach Tail The oil can coat one slashing or piercing weapon or up to 5 pieces of slashing or piercing Ammunition. Your Constitution score is 19 while you wear this armor. Detect. Lao-Shan Shard While your hit points are full and you are not suffering from any levels of exhaustion, you deal maximum weapon damage with your attacks. Can be sold for 10 gp. Ebony Odogaron Mantle Lunastra Wing If you lose a body part, the armor causes the missing part to regrow and return to full functionality after 1d6 + 1 days if you have at least 1 hit point the whole time. Once you use this property, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest. While you are attuned to this weapon, you can use this weapon as your spellcasting focus. Brach Carapace WEAPON MATERIAL EFFECTS Sort, filter, and read the full descriptions for every magic item in 5th Edition D&D. Jumbo Bone Maccao Scale Territorial Dung A creature hit by the coated weapon or ammunition takes 1d6 extra damage and has its movement speed reduced by 10 feet until the end of its next turn. Volvi Rickrack (Melee Weapon only) Your passive Perception increases by 5 and you have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide while you wear this armor. While you are attuned to this armor, you can use a bonus action to conjure two earplugs in the shape of your choice. Duramboros Hump While attuned to this weapon, you can use a bonus action to move up to half your movement speed towards an enemy creature. Remobra Head When you hit a Huge or smaller creature with this weapon, it must succeed on a DC 15 Strength check or be pushed back 5 feet. OTHER MATERIAL EFFECTS Nerscylla Shell Ebony Odogaron Shard When you hit a creature with this weapon, you can expend a rune to have it make a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw. While holding this weapon, you can use an action to plant this weapon in the ground and release the ice magic within. When you fail a Dexterity saving throw while wearing it, you can use your reaction to expend 1 of its runes to succeed on that saving throw instead. You have advantage on intimidation checks when interacting with nobles while you wear this armor. Alluring Beak Lavasioth Fin While wearing this armor, your hit point maximum increases by 1 for each character level you have. This damage type can be either cold or lightning damage. Blangonga Pelt Skyblade Dragon Sapphire When you successfully gather a plant resource, you instead gather 2. While you are attuned to this armor, you have one luck point that you regain daily at dawn. Ancient Leshen Antlers (Sorcerer and Wizard only) Your weapon attacks critical hit range is increased by 1. Kut-Ku Webbing If your Strength is already equal to or greater than 25, the material has no effect on you. Your weapon deals an extra 1d6 cold damage. When you hit a creature with this weapon you can expend 1 rune to have the creature make a DC 21 Constitution saving throw.

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