maize cobs meaning

Zhivotnov"dni Nauki, 19 (5): 83-88, Kim, M. H.; Lee, S. R.; Seo, I. J.; Maeng, W. J., 2007. Nutr., 17 (3): 246-248, Ramirez, G. R.; Aguilera-Gonzalez, J. C.; Garcia-Diaz, G.; Nunez-Gonzalez, A. M., 2007. The value of corn cobs as a partial replacement for hay in the ration of lactating cows. Maize by-products are frequently infested by toxin-producing moulds (Mézes et al., 2009), and mycotoxins are more concentrated in the maize cobs than in the grain of the same maize ears (Perkowski et al., 1991). J. Anim. But while they were finding their land-legs again they saw something they had never seen before: A fish, one of their unfortunate brethren left behind by the flood. Chemical composition and nutritive value of some tropical by-product feedstuffs for small ruminants -, Arias, L.; Contreras, J.; Losada, H.; Grande, D.; Soriano, R.; Vieyra, J.; Cortes, J.; Rivera, J.,, 2003. Hollow and delicate, the ears of corn on the stalk are life-sized. About 180 kg of cobs are obtained from each ton of maize shelled (Evers et al., 1994). Hay and straw conservation for small-scale farming and pastoral conditions. Other Aztec gods associated with this all-important crop included the goddess of sweet corn and tamales Xilonen (Tender Maize), the goddess of seed corn Chicomecoátl (Seven Serpent), and Xipe Totec , the fierce god of fertility and agriculture. Volume 3. Maize plants constitute the main subject material for the study of genetics and biochemistry. Maize cobs treated with NaOH in rations for growing cattle. RECORD: Darwin, C. R. 1859. Snack in a dream of maize cob meaning. Mycopathologia, 165 (2): 99-104, Fasae, O. In: Iowa State Univ., Grad. Animals on untreated maize cobs were taken off the experiment within 3 weeks because of weight loss (Adebowale, 1992). Is it valuable to you? Rabbit Sci., 6 (2): 109-119, Emery, R. S. ; Brown, L. D. ; Thomas, J. W., 1964. While the whole maize ear (with the grains, with or without the husks) is also sometimes called a maize cob, this datasheet concerns only the maize cob without the grains. Effects of levels of crude protein and ground corn cobs in total mixed ration on intake, rumen fermentation and milk production in crossbred Holstein Friesian lactating dairy cows. Metabolizable energy values of some tropical feedstuffs for poultry. . NOTE #1: is banned from editing this page. Value of agro industrial by products and farm wastes in the feeding of pigs in Nigeria. In India, maize cobs were incorporated at 50% of the diet as the sole source of roughage in complete feeds of crossbred bulls. In agriculture, they are used for fuel, litter for poultry and other animals, mulch and soil conditioner, and as fodder for ruminants despite their low nutritive value (Evers et al., 1994; Jansen, 2012). A A's AMD AMD's AOL AOL's AWS AWS's Aachen Aachen's Aaliyah Aaliyah's Aaron Aaron's Abbas Abbas's Abbasid Abbasid's Abbott Abbott's Abby Abby's Abdul Abdul's Abe Abe's Abel Abel's A corncob, also called cob of corn, is the central core of an ear of corn (also known as maize in Spanish-speaking countries). FAO Plant Production and Protection Series No. Technol., 151 (3–4): 205–214, Zanaty, G. A.; Ahmed, B. M., 2000. In Thailand, feeding a diet containing 14% protein with maize cobs as a roughage source (20% in the total mixed ration) was adequate for supporting crossbred Holstein Friesian lactating dairy cows producing 11-13 kg milk/d (Wachirapakorn et al., 2014). Sci., 17 (8): 1093-1097, Khan, M. A.; Iqbal, Z.; Sarwar, M.; Nisa, M.; Khan, M. S.; Lee, W. S.; Lee, H. J.; Kim, H. S., 2006. Maize cobs are a highly fibrous product with many agricultural and industrial applications. Feed Sci., 12 (1): 153-161, Eleraky, W. A., 1996. 1). Maize cobs are a feed ingredient of low nutritive value, roughly similar to straw or a poor hay. A. ; Abu, O. Response of West African Dwarf sheep and goats fed maize cobs treated with different concentrations of caustic soda. Performance and carcass characteristics of rabbits fed diets with different starch levels and fiber sources. Dairy Sci., 36 (6): 580-581, Hibbs, J. W. ; Conrad, H. R., 1978. (Trinidad), 65 (4):358-360, Longe, O. G. ; Ogedegbe, N. A high roughage system for raising calves. Maize cobs are not very palatable to ruminants (Göhl, 1982). Corn cobs used to be ~10 times smaller than they are today. This dream is a prevention against exaggerated impatience. Trop. Ground corn cobs as a source of roughage for lactating dairy cows. FAO, Division de Production et Santé Animale, Roma, Italy, Graf, G. C. ; Engel, R. W., 1953. Maize cobs, corn cobs, corncobs [English]; rafles de maïs [French]; corontas de maíz [Spanish]. However, the same level of fumonisin is well tolerated by ruminants or poultry, for which the recommended maximum level is 5 to 10 times higher (Ewuola et al., 2008). Can. Maize is a word whose etymology is traced to the Spanish term maiz. Aust. Agric. Chemical composition and feeding value of urea-treated corncobs ensiled with additives for sheep. Sci., 30 (1): 193-196, Losada, H. ; Cortes, J. ; Grande, D., 1992. Her coat is shiny and soft since I have been using Omega Horseshine® for the last six months. Maize cobs c 1440-1533. We believe art has the power to transform lives and to build understanding across cultures. Maize, also known as corn (Zea mays L), has been recognised worldwide as a major energy feed ingredient in the diets of poultry. Cumulation of mycotoxins in maize cobs infected with, Rajmane, S. M. ; Deshmukh, S. V., 2000. In the USA, lambs fed ensiled maize cobs treated with 4% NaOH had average daily gains similar to those obtained with maize silage (Koers et al., 1972). Nutritive value of agricultural by-products in rabbit. In Egypt, feeding rams ad libitum with maize cobs treated with 1% urea (supplemented with 500 g/d of a commercial mixture) had beneficial effects on body weight, daily gain and reproductive performance (testosterone production, semen quality, ram fertility) (Megahed et al., 2006). The maize cobs were processed in the same hammermill under similar conditions.The resulting slivers of pinewood and maize cob were sieved using a 2mm mesh mechanical vibrating sieve in order to remove fine particles, and were then dried in … Help Smarthistory continue to make a difference, Help make art history relevant and engaging, Defining “Pre-Columbian” and “Mesoamerica”, Introduction to the Spanish Viceroyalties in the Americas, About geography and chronological periods in Native American art, Fort Ancient Culture: Great Serpent Mound, Mississippian shell neck ornament (gorget), Olmec mask at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, The Mesoamerican ballgame and a Classic Veracruz yoke, Yaxchilán—Lintels 24 and 25 from Structure 23 and structures 33 and 40, The Templo Mayor and the Coyolxauhqui Stone, Remembering the Toxcatl Massacre: The Beginning of the End of Aztec Supremacy, Mirror Pendant in the Form of a Bat-Human From Grave 5, Sitio Conte, Global trade and an 18th-century Anishinaabe outfit, Juana Basilia Sitmelelene, Presentation Basket (Chumash), Pueblo architecture and its relationship to place, Puebloan: Maria Martinez, Black-on-black ceramic vessel, Contemporary Native American Architecture, Prints and Printmakers in Colonial New Spain, Defensive saints and angels in the Spanish Americas, Hispaniola’s early colonial art, an introduction, Classical Architecture in Viceregal Mexico, Mission churches as theaters of conversion in New Spain, The Convento of San Nicolás de Tolentino, Actopan, Hidalgo, Murals from New Spain, San Agustín de Acolman, A Renaissance miniature in wood and feathers, Mission Church, San Esteban del Rey, Acoma Pueblo, Biombo with the Conquest of Mexico and View of Mexico City, Francisco Clapera, set of sixteen casta paintings, Mission San Antonio de Valero & the Alamo, Inventing “America,” The Engravings of Theodore de Bry, Portraits of John and Elizabeth Freake (and their baby), Gerardus Duyckinck I (attributed), Six portraits of the Levy-Franks family, c. 1735, Ostentatious plainness: Copley's portrait of the Mifflins, The Mexican-American War: 19th-century American art in context, John Brown’s “tragic prelude” to the U.S. Civil War, Thomas Hovenden, The Last Moments of John Brown, The end of an era: Remington's The Fall of the Cowboy, Inventing America, Colt’s Experimental Pocket Pistol, Seneca Village: the lost history of African Americans in New York, Cultures and slavery in the American south: a Face Jug from Edgefield county, Carleton Watkins, Eagle Creek, Columbia River, William Howard (attributed), Writing desk, The light of democracy — examining the Statue of Liberty, Carrère & Hastings, The New York Public Library, The Alamo (& Mission San Antonio de Valero), Herter Brothers, Mark Hopkins House Side Chair, Robert Mills and Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Lincoln Casey, Washington Monument, Landscape Painting in Nineteenth-Century Latin America, Complexity and vision: the Staff God at Chavín de Huántar and beyond, Nasca Art: Sacred Linearity and Bold Designs, Semi-subterranean Court at the site of Tiwanaku, Inka ushnus: landscape, site and symbol in the Andes, Portrait Painting in the Viceroyalty of Peru, Introduction to religious art and architecture in early colonial Peru, Early Viceregal Architecture and Art in Colombia, The Church of San Pedro de Andahuaylillas, The Church of San Pedro Apóstol de Andahuaylillas. Indian J. Anim. Sci., 15 (4): 162-164, Escobar, A. ; Parra, R. ; Parra, O de, 1984. Effects of fiber sources on ruminal pH, buffering capacity and digestibility in sheep. The nutritive value of four arable farm by products commonly fed to dairy cattle by small scale farmers in Kenya. Chemical composition and, Matte, J. J. ; Robert, C. ; Girard, C. L. ; Farmer, C. ; Martineau, G. P., 1994. Dairy Sci., 61 (3): 337–343, Idahor, K. O. ; Ewuola, E. O. ; Gbore, F. A. ; Ogunlade, J. T. ; Salako, O. Dream Encyclopedia. When fed with restricted grain rations, ground maize cobs have replaced up to 60% of the roughage (alfalfa hay or alfalfa-brome hay) without affecting milk production or composition, although feed intake was reduced when maize cobs were the only source of roughage (Lassiter et al., 1958). “They are environmentally friendly as they don’t release any gas emissions in the atmosphere. No ancient Indian word has such a meaning. North American term corn Zea mays, family Gramineae A Central American cereal plant that yields large grains (corn or sweetcorn) set in rows on a cob. Perhaps you are creating a new self-image and taking on a new attitude. J. Anim. Res., 56 (7): 685-690, Scapinello, C. ; Falco, J. E. ; Furlan, A. C. ; de Faria, H. G., 2000. Tables Inra 2007. It also depicts fertility and plenty, and in some dreams the penis ready to impregnate. However, the high lignocellulosic content of the residues requires supplementation, processing, or both. J. Zoot., 32 (6): 1311-1320, Azim, A.; Khan, A. G.; Nadeem, M. A.; Mirza, M. A., 2000. Urea treated corncobs ensiled with or without additives for buffaloes: ruminal characteristics, digestibility and nitrogen metabolism. Feed Sci. Thanks! Adebowale, E. A., 1989. In addition to the very low protein content, it must be pointed out that these proteins are deficient in lysine (as are those of maize grain) but also deficient in sulphur-containing amino acids. Corn, (Zea mays), also called Indian corn or maize, cereal plant of the grass family and its edible grain. Rabbit Sci., 10 (2): 253-263, F. John Hay / University of Nebraska, Lincoln. Maize is a term that is utilized for the plant which is not cooked or still raw on the branches of the cob while corn is the word which is used for the maize which has been cooked and ready to eat. Prod., 9 (1): 45-52, Escobar, A. ; Parra, R, 1984. Buffalo J., 16 (3): 251-257, Babatunde, G. M., 1985. A.; Saka, A. It stands for insight. There were no deleterious effects on the haematological and serum biochemical parameters and, therefore, they were considered safe to include in ruminant diets up to 30% (Ogunleke et al., 2014). a metal corncob sculpture Technol., 97 (3/4): 199-208, Ndlovu, L. R.; Buchanan-Smith, J. G., 1985. Trop. Besky explores how the meaning of Darjeeling tea is created through three interrelated processes: (1) extensive marketing campaigns aimed at educating consumers about the unique Darjeeling taste, (2) the application of international law to define the geographic borders within which Darjeeling tea can be produced, and (3) the introduction of tea plantation-based tourism. In vitro DM digestibility at maturity was reported to be in the 50-56% range (Masoero et al., 2006). Sci., 31 (5): 1030, Koers, W. ; Prokop, M. ; Klopfenstein, T., 1972. There were no deleterious effects, and grinding the cobs through 8-mm sieve was considered optimum (Murali et al., 1989). We believe that the brilliant histories of art belong to everyone, no matter their background. Maize dream interpretation. The average ear has 800 kernels in 16 rows. Technol., 49 (5): 639-646, Klopfenstein, T. ; Krause, V. E. ; Jones, M. J. ; Woods, W., 1972. Maize cobs are a by-product of the maize crop, consisting of the central fibrous rachis of the female inflorescence (the maize 'ear'). (Trinidad), 66 (3): 213-216, Adebowale, E. A., 1992. Nevertheless, when increasing proportions of maize cobs are studied, best growth results, i.e. The ear is also considered a "cob" or "pole" but it is not fully a "pole" until the ear is shucked, or removed from the plant material around the ear. Evaluation of sorghum (, Nagalakshmi, D.; Reddy, D. N., 2008. Supplementation with alfalfa hay (30% of the total feed) of a maize cobs-based diet fed to mature sheep increased the rates of evacuation of indigestible material from the rumen (Ndlovu et al., 1985). J. Korean Soc. Grinding may improve the digestion rate of maize cobs and feed efficiency (Ndlovu et al., 1985; Murali et al., 1989), and many experiments are based on ground maize cobs. Feeding value of urea treated corncobs ensiled with or without enzose (corn dextrose) for lactating crossbred cows. Ground maize cobs (8-mm sieve) were fed ad libitum, either in a mash or pelleted, as roughage for adult goats (with 250 g/d of concentrate mixture) without any deleterious effect, but pelleting improved nutrient utilization (Reddy et al., 1991). Over time, this effectively altered the genetic make-up of corn. Even one cent is helpful to us! Zagazig J. Agric.

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